


After realizing their current facilities could not support the new series of LEAP-X engines, 赛峰知道他们需要一个新的设备. 这家高科技集团向哈斯克尔求助, 他们自2006年以来的合作伙伴, to design and build a new facility to manufacture carbon composite parts for these lighter, 更省油的喷气式飞机引擎.


作为赛峰集团的新产品线, it was not yet known exactly what or how many pieces of equipment would be needed. 经过彻底的研究和测试, the project team identified the unknown and finalized a layout with the proper mix of equipment and the most efficient movement of personnel and product.


新, large manufacturing facility generated immense anticipation for job creation in the community. 虽然他们以自我服务而闻名, 澳门足彩app forewent the expansion of scope to instead grant opportunities to local contractors as a commitment to the regional workforce.

  • 385,519 SF复合材料零件制造设施
  • HVAC equipment located inside the facility on a 42,000 SF network of equipment mezzanines
  • 以冰柜, 危险物品储藏室, 专用设备地基及基坑, 25吨起重机
副总统 & 部门主管-航空 & 航空航天澳门足彩app


The 澳门足彩app team utilized its exceptional design and construction expertise to mitigate issues and deliver our manufacturing facility within the agreed time frame and contractual budget."

赛峰航空航天复合材料工厂内部. 宽敞的白色房间,灯光明亮,有黄色的栏杆.

The 澳门足彩app team utilized its exceptional design and construction expertise to mitigate issues and deliver our manufacturing facility within the agreed time frame and contractual budget."

赛峰航空航天复合材料工厂内部. 宽敞的白色房间,灯光明亮.

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