澳门足彩app's 航空航天 Team

October 16, 2017



澳门足彩app最近在Foley为UTC航空航天系统公司完成了一个新的机舱组装设施, 阿拉巴马州. 新工厂的主要任务将是为许多飞机平台组装短舱, including the Airbus A320 family of airplanes. Foley工厂是该公司航空结构业务部门的一部分.

新80,000平方英尺的先进制造工厂将容纳机舱部件和推进系统集成的组装, as well as an additional 15,000 SF of office space, and was delivered via design-build.

澳门足彩app很高兴能够完成我们为UTC航空航天系统公司设计和建造的第四个项目,也是我们在阿拉巴马州的第一个项目,” said Kevin McEvoy, Director of Project Development. “事实证明,我们的综合项目方法有助于协调各种范围,同时保持现有Foley校区的持续运营.”

Expected to be fully operational by year's end, 新建筑将采用一系列创新的制造技术, 包括自动物料移动,以索引大型机舱组件平台沿着装配线和自动喷漆系统. These new advanced manufacturing systems, 已经在世界各地的联合技术航空航天系统公司的航空结构基地进行了试点, 会大大提高装配和涂装机舱系统的效率吗, and will also provide ergonomic benefits for employees.

与公司的绿色设计倡议和创造尽可能小的环境足迹的目标保持一致, 该项目正在获得美国能源与环境设计协会(LEED)的认证.S. Green Building Council. Some of the features included are 40 percent water use reduction, including the use of rainwater harvesting for reuse in grey-water systems; light pollution reductions; optimization of energy performance; and use of renewable energy.

As the eighth manufacturing building on the Foley campus, 新设施将作为基地现有230个设施的补充,000-square foot original equipment plant and 210,000-square foot MRO facility. 集成的A320系列推进系统最终将从新工厂交付到空客在莫比尔的总装线, about an hour away, as well as other A320 final assembly lines around the world.

澳门足彩app delivers $2± billion annually in Architecture, Engineering, 建筑(AEC)和咨询解决方案,以确保全球复杂资本项目的确定性结果. 澳门足彩app is a global, fully integrated, single-source design-build and EPC firm with over 2,200 highly specialized, in-house design, 工业和商业市场的建筑和管理专业人员. With 20+ office locations around the globe, 澳门足彩app is a trusted partner for global and emerging clients.

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