For roof 修复s, 哈斯克尔求助于2015年帮助建造阿瓜迪亚设施的承包商. With terms and conditions already in place from their original partnership, 澳门足彩app could streamline the response significantly.

August 29, 2022

Supporting Lufthansa Technik In Massive Hurricane Maria Relief Effort

最初几周更多的是人道主义救援,而不是重建工作. Before facility 修复s, the focus was on the people.'


Hurricane Maria tore through Puerto Rico on September 20, 2017, the priority for the leaders of Lufthansa Technik Puerto Rico (LTPR), the airline’s maintenance, 修复, and overhaul (MRO) operation in Aguadilla, was assessing their employees’ welfare. 这并不容易:4级风暴摧毁了波多黎各的基础设施, leaving millions stranded without access to electricity, 干净的水, or emergency supplies. To make matters worse, all airports were shut down, restricting the ability to transport relief in or people out.

Lufthansa Technik leadership in Europe placed a call to 澳门足彩app, which had designed and built LTPR’s 215,000-square-foot facility in 2015. 在风暴来临之前,双方已达成协议,哈斯克尔将负责所有设备的保修或维修, but this conversation wasn’t about that. 这是关于近400名汉莎技术公司的员工和他们的家人,他们的世界刚刚被摧毁.

汉莎航空技术公司询问澳门足彩app是否可以协助他们的应急响应,并帮助他们为他们在阿瓜迪亚的团队提供关键物资和援助. 这样做, 澳门足彩app would charter aircraft into Puerto Rico carrying bottled water, 发电机, satellite phones and other emergency supplies. 回程航班将用于将欧洲外籍LTPR雇员及其家人撤离回本国.

On the other end of the phone, the response from 保罗 Raudenbush, 澳门足彩app Senior Vice President of 规划 & 发展, came without hesitation.

“Absolutely,他说. “Whatever you need.”

Humanitarian Efforts Highlight Disaster Response

澳门足彩app’s team initiated conversations with local and national partners, securing a private charter jet that would take off from Jacksonville, 佛罗里达, and land at a private terminal in Puerto Rico on Monday morning, just five days after the storm.

Over the weekend, 澳门足彩app team members gathered 发电机, satellite phones, GPS设备, medical supplies and a truckload of bottled water. When the jet took off Monday morning, 陪同运送物资的是与波多黎各关系密切的哈斯凯尔员工. 为他们, 在这场危及生命的危机中,这是一个为顾客和亲人服务的机会——罗登布什并没有忘记这一点.

Passengers pose before boarding 澳门足彩app's first relief flight from Jacksonville, FL, into Puerto Rico. The rest of the plane was filled with bottled water, 发电机, satellite phones, GPS设备, and medical supplies.


In those first few weeks, 澳门足彩app arranged more than a half-dozen flights into Puerto Rico, each carrying various emergency supplies, including several 发电机 used to restore power at the facility. 到那时, LTPR将MRO设施的一部分改造成了当地需要食物的家庭的庇护所, 热水淋浴, 干净的衣服, or cell phone recharge.

每架从波多黎各起飞的航班都载着撤离到本国的外籍雇员和家属. As passengers began arriving safely in Europe, 汉莎航空技术公司高级项目负责人Joerg Speri给澳门足彩app写了一封感谢信.

“我不想错过感谢你的时刻,尽管我一直在努力,而且压力仍然很大,Speri写道. “Your support in these tough hours was and still is amazing! It goes way beyond what we could expect.”

Lufthansa Technik quickly spread news of 澳门足彩app’s successful air support, 很快就有更多的客户询问如何将人员和物资运送到波多黎各. 在一次飞行中,哈斯克尔运送卫星调制解调器,帮助一家企业恢复其整个IT系统. 在另一个, 一位杰克逊维尔的妇女和波多黎各慈善机构的老板飞到岛上照顾她年迈的母亲.

在西弗吉尼亚威, who coordinated all flights via around-the-clock emails, 电话, and WhatsApp messages, 这种独特的灾难响应体现了澳门足彩app致力于满足客户的需求-无论他们在哪里或在哪里.

他说:“最初的几个星期更多的是人道主义努力,而不是重建努力. “Before facility 修复s, the focus was on the people.”

设计、 Approach Helps Fast-Track Recovery

玛丽亚登陆后的那个星期一,哈斯克尔在阿瓜迪亚的设施里安排了地面工作人员. 第一件事是评估损失,并制定行动计划,使LTPR恢复运营.

The team learned that the Lufthansa Technik facility fared better than most in Aguadilla and was able to serve as an aid base for many of the company’s people, some of whom have lost everything. The most significant damage involved the rooftop air handling units, which were ripped from their frames and sent tumbling across the roof, 撕裂的洞使建筑内部暴露在恶劣的飓风条件下. 这也使得整个设施没有空调,除了几个远程设备冷却餐厅和商店区域.

In the wake of Hurricane Maria, Lufthansa Technik looked to replace air handling units (pictured), roof insulation, interior finishes, 供应球迷, 和更多的. With instant access to facility drawings, specifications and purchase orders, 澳门足彩app was able to fast-track efforts to identify, secure and install replacement parts.

在总, 澳门足彩app确定的工作范围包括修复或更换墙壁和屋顶壁板, roof insulation, interior finishes (carpet and ceiling tiles), damaged rooftop air handling units and 供应球迷. Standing in their way were two obstacles: First, all equipment would need to be delivered via boat, which added significant shipping time. 第二个, given the circumstances, the demand for tradesmen in Puerto Rico was higher than ever, especially roofers. With disaster recovery experience and design-build resiliency, 澳门足彩app was prepared for the challenge.

Local subcontractors 修复 metal siding at the Aguadilla facility. 所有工作都由澳门足彩app质量保证经理Kevin Kett现场协调和检查,以确保其符合质量和安全要求.

Having performed design and construction of the facility in 2015, 澳门足彩app was able to immediately access and review key project documents, including detailed drawings, purchase orders, 型号, specifications and vendor information for the equipment to be replaced. As soon as LTPR reached a 修复 agreement with the building’s insurer, 澳门足彩app发出采购订单,并利用现有的供应商合作伙伴关系来快速跟踪发货.

“如果没有现有的数据,做出回应将会困难得多,”Raudenbush说. “We would have had to reverse engineer.”

因为所有的 the original project documents were stored electronically and accessible from their Jacksonville office, 澳门足彩app立即确定了帮助建造设施的分包商,并利用这些关系使LTPR成为优先事项. With contracts and terms and conditions already in place from the initial project, there was little back-and-forth required before work could begin.

“在事件发生后的第二天获得所有这些信息大大简化了反应,” Raudenbush said. “我们能够召集分包商和供应商的资源,迅速扭转项目.”

修复工作由澳门足彩app的现场项目团队协调和监督,其中包括施工经理Carlos Lopez和Ivan Robles, Project Superintendent Jerry Martin, and 质量 Assurance Manager Kevin Kett, who inspected the work to ensure it met all safety and quality requirements.

澳门足彩app established daily progress calls between their onsite team, Jacksonville procurement team and Lufthansa Technik leadership. Given the urgency and uncertainty that is typical in disaster recovery scenarios, this constant communication was critical, Raudenbush said.

Full operations resumed at the Aguadilla facility in just six weeks. Though still uncertain when life would return to normal, LTPR的员工恢复了一种常规感和稳定的收入来源,以支持他们的家庭.

Helping Customers in Their Darkest Days

Reflecting on the project’s success, Raudenbush认为,两家公司之间的现有关系使汉莎技术公司有信心立即联系并信任澳门足彩app. 多亏了 design-build approach, 澳门足彩app was prepared to respond without delay. Leaning on existing facility data, a deep subcontractor network and a few courageous employees, 澳门足彩app quickly put wheels in motion—literally.

For Joerg Speri of Lufthansa Technik, 哈斯克尔的回答让人放心,他知道在未来的紧急情况下该找谁.


Those words resonate with Raudenbush, who is proud of 澳门足彩app’s dedication to its customers no matter the circumstances. To him, helping customers recover from disaster is a major source of fulfillment.

“It means a lot to be the ones that customers call in their darkest days,他说. “It’s really rewarding when people have confidence in you and your organization.”

Partner with 澳门足彩app to ensure that you’re ready when disaster strikes. Contact Senior Operations Manager Chad Kunkel to learn more about our Business Resiliency 服务.

澳门足彩app delivers $2± billion annually in 体系结构, 工程, 建筑(AEC)和咨询解决方案,以确保全球复杂资本项目的确定性结果. 澳门足彩app is a global, fully integrated, single-source design-build and EPC firm with over 2,200 highly specialized, in-house design, 工业和商业市场的建筑和管理专业人员. With 20+ office locations around the globe, 澳门足彩app is a trusted partner for global and emerging clients.

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