水箱清洗和测试大楼在右边, with the Surface Coating Facility (SCF) in the center and the Orbital Launch System (OLS) manufacturing building. 澳门足彩app构建了这三个结构.



在蓝色起源知道自己的需求之前,澳门足彩app的设计师就已经开始工作了. 施工队根据现场图纸进行了修改. 他们按预算提前完工.


Before rocket science becomes the exacting discipline that sends man and machine into space, 这是科幻小说. And while Blue Origin’s plans for a tank cleaning and testing (TCAT) building on its Rocket Factory campus in 梅里特岛, 佛罗里达, 不是穿越宇宙的异想天开的英雄, they included a host of unknowns that had to be resolved as construction was underway.

Blue Origin is the American aerospace manufacturer and sub-orbital spaceflight services company founded in 2000 by Jeff Bezos to make access to space cheaper and more reliable through reusable launch vehicles.

In 2015, Blue Origin选择澳门足彩app进行一系列项目, 包括TCAT, 这将是世界上同类设施中的第二座.

“他们知道他们需要一栋大楼, 但他们并不知道自己到底需要什么,大卫·舍宁说, 公共设施设计总监, 谁是这个项目的设计经理. “他们仍然在努力研究他们的项目和他们的需求是什么. We started design while they were still working on writing the program and their criteria.”

设计-建造项目交付的一个显著优势是速度, 而蓝色起源选择哈斯克尔正是因为它在这方面的声誉. 有一个预期的发射时间表, the rocket maker wanted the facility’s testing capabilities online as soon as possible as it developed the New Glenn heavy-lift orbital launch vehicle.

“They hired us to be fast, and we got started before they knew what they needed,” Schoening said. “他们确实需要尽快进入大楼. 我了解到,火箭设计是迭代的. 你通常不会在第一次测试时就答对.”



The testing that would take place in the facility would replicate the extreme pressures a rocket would experience as it was launched and propelled through the atmosphere. 这座224英尺高的TCAT建筑是为了抵御飓风而建造的 externally and multidirectional forces internally to accommodate rigorous testing.

TCAT突破了现有土壤条件的极限, 所以澳门足彩app的结构工程师, 岩土工程咨询公司, SMEs and contractors concluded that a system of 322 rigid inclusions would need to be installed to a depth of 90 feet below the building foundation to prevent the tower from sinking or leaning.

最终的建筑由9英尺和7英尺的垫子基础组成, , 3,500吨结构钢, 七个钢制t台, 外部电梯, 多个公用设施和一个暖通空调系统. 它有三个机库门, 其中一个高112英尺,宽45英尺, 还有两只鹤, 其中较高的吊钩高度达到205英尺,承载能力为100吨.

然而,最终的建筑只是在概念上与最初的设想相似. 即:

  • 该建筑最初被设想为一个200英尺高的户外展台, 大多数其他公司测试坦克的方法是什么. 由于气候原因,蓝色起源公司决定将其封闭起来, 多变的天气条件和一些测试的长时间. 它还增加了20英尺的建筑高度.
  • 设计完成后,业主增加了一个外部电梯. 澳门足彩app’s architectural and 工程 (AE) team collaborated with a German elevator company to incorporate an elevator with a lifting height of 170 feet and a loading capacity of 3,300磅.
  • 设计ers incorporated six field orders throughout the project to capture other owner-directed changes, including new catwalk platforms and stair landings that required structural steel modifications and added breakroom space and re-routing utilities.



甚至变量都是带变量的. Because it had no single point of contact, Blue Origin’s changes came from numerous stakeholders. 进一步, 响应修订的测试标准,请求经常发生变化, 在项目完成之前是怎样发展的.


“这是我们的基因. We always try to over-deliver for our clients,” Senior Project Manager Ivan Robles said.

TCAT的几栋建筑进入了蓝色起源的校园, so 澳门足彩app’s project team knew the level of flexibility and collaboration that would be necessary and was able to leverage existing relationships.

Schoening and his designers held a charrette with client representatives and extrapolated as much information as possible. They held frequent meetings to present their work and to receive updates as the rocket program proceeded.

“When we would get criteria, we would always talk about, ‘Well, what margin do we need? Do we want to make the space a little bit bigger to accommodate if things were to change?’”舍宁说. “我们灵活地与他们合作. We tried not to overspend but to hedge our bets and add a little if we thought it might be helpful in the future: door sizes, 天花板的高度, 起重机能力, 等.”

设计师之间的广泛合作, 建设者和项目所有者是澳门足彩app项目的标志, 但它从来没有像现在这样关键. The field team sometimes had to implement changes before design documents were issued. 随着情况的发展,不断的交流使我们能够迅速采取行动.


“从建筑方面来看,我们能够保持领先地位,”罗伯斯说. “我们能够与利益相关者建立良好的关系. 基本上, 我们的方法是, “告诉我, 你想要完成什么, 然后我才能告诉你, 从建筑的角度看, 我能做什么. 然后我们可以看看它是否现实.’”

事实上,蓝色起源与澳门足彩app合作,以保持项目的进展. 有时,这意味着要让蓝色起源继续运转.

“当你与像火箭科学家一样的利益相关者打交道时, 他们喜欢测试他们的程序20或30次,直到他们得到完美,罗伯斯说. “在建筑业,我们负担不起. 因此,我们与客户进行了对话,以了解最终目标. Then, we could say how we could do it in the field in a practical and cost-efficient way. 看起来很简单, 但我们能够与主要利益相关者建立一种信任的关系, 他们会听我们的.”

That trust led Blue Origin to engage 澳门足彩app to design-build another facility of the same type, 绰号“2只猫”, at the same campus to perform additional testing operations and further expedite their launch program schedule.

解决复杂的建筑, 凭借专业知识和想象力的工程和建设项目是我们所做的. 澳门足彩app 讨论您的设施需求.

澳门足彩app每年在架构方面的投入为20亿美元, 工程, 建设 (AEC) and 咨询 solutions to assure certainty of outcome for complex capital projects worldwide. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, 单一来源的设计建造和EPC公司拥有超过2,高度专业化, 内部设计, construction and administrative professionals across industrial and commercial markets. 在全球拥有20多个办公地点, 澳门足彩app是全球和新兴客户值得信赖的合作伙伴.

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