


编者按: 澳门足彩app很荣幸地与650多名设计专业人士一起庆祝工程师周. 成立于1951年 全国专业工程师学会 (NSPE), Engineers Week brings together a formal coalition of more than 70 engineering, educational, 文化社会, as well as more than 50 corporations and government agencies, 通过提高对工程和技术职业的认识和兴趣,确保未来的工程劳动力多样化和受过良好教育. 今年的主题是“畅想明天”,” which we commemorate by putting our young engineers and innovation front and center.

软件应用已经彻底改变了流程工程师设计生产设施的方式,并使之数字化, 但每个设计所需的数百份文件的数据输入仍然是模拟的, fingers-and-keyboard任务.

这种情况很快就会改变, 感谢雷蒙拉米雷斯, Orvin Lozada and their winning entry in ‘The Big Pitch.’

由Dysruptek策划, 哈斯克尔的风险投资部门致力于球探, 对新兴技术进行试点和投资, “The Big Pitch”是一个类似于Shark tank的竞赛,邀请澳门足彩app的员工提交利用现有解决方案提高效率的方案, create new solutions and explore new markets and business opportunities.


Ramirez, Design Director in 澳门足彩app’s Mexico City office, and Lozada, 墨西哥城项目协调员, 在首届年度创新竞赛的36个参赛作品中获得第一名,他们提出的过程设计自动化方案将消除重复输入基本信息.

“We thought that if we could automate that work and make it more efficient, 工程师和设计师可以利用他们的时间来开发更好的东西,把他们的心思放在更好的设计上,拉米雷斯说. “So that's the intention, and that's how the ideas started.”

五名虚拟决赛选手, 一个由公司和创新领袖组成的小组根据一系列简明的问题和标准选出了三大Big Pitch项目:

  • Does the idea fulfill 澳门足彩app's mission of creating things that matter?
  • How does the idea take 澳门足彩app's work in the AEC industry to new heights?
  • Fulfill a costly need in the market and showcase your product or service differentiation
  • Proposals must include great ideas, but also produce sustainable business value
  • Thoroughly research the risks and provide details on how they might be addressed
  • What are the resources needed to make the idea/opportunity happen?

Thirty-six entries were screened and the field winnowed to five finalists, each of which presented their pitch decks – virtually, because of the coronavirus pandemic – to a panel of four judges comprising Jim O’Leary, 澳门足彩app President and CEO; John-Paul Saenz, 澳门足彩app Executive Vice President and COO; Andrea Inserra, 澳门足彩app board member and EVP of Booze Allen Hamilton; and Kaustubh Pandya, 实体企业的负责人.

第二名是加里·韦勒, Senior Quality Subject Matter Expert in the Charlotte, 北卡罗莱纳, office, for his proposal for a Pneumatic Testing Application; and third place was awarded to Ryan Camer, 虚拟建设总监, 他的趋势分析仪表板项目.

"We saw so many bright ideas from representatives from all the offices,拉米雷斯说. “这确实令人鼓舞和激励, 它强化了我们为这样一个杰出的合作团队做出贡献的感觉.”

Orvin Lozada

Each of the top three places received cash awards, 作为总冠军, Ramirez and Lozada received support for the implementation of their idea. The Process Design Automation project is now in development.

“The Big Pitch has been a great experience,拉米雷斯说. “This is an opportunity to present the ideas that you may have had for several years. Now we have the opportunity to put them on the table and make them come true.”

澳门足彩app delivers $2± billion annually in Architecture, Engineering, 建筑(AEC)和咨询解决方案,以确保全球复杂资本项目的确定性结果. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, single-source design-build and EPC firm with over 2,高度专业化, 内部设计, construction and administrative professionals across industrial and commercial markets. 在全球拥有20多个办公地点, 澳门足彩app is a trusted partner for global and emerging clients.

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