



从早午餐到棒球赛, 葡萄酒消费量的增长, 尤其是在年轻一代中, is leading 酒 makers to consider a 包装 option previously relegated almost exclusively to the beer and soda industry: 罐.

随着千禧一代步入二三十岁, 在喝酒方面,他们已经超过了婴儿潮一代. 根据… 葡萄酒市场委员会2017年的调查, 千禧一代现在约占葡萄酒饮用者的33%, 仅次于占36%的婴儿潮一代. 随着这两个群体之间的差距慢慢缩小, 葡萄酒行业正在评估如何适应不断变化的趋势, 即使这意味着放弃一些长期持有的观念.

Thanks to this youthful surge in 酒 drinkers, the public perception of 罐 is shifting. 而不是将罐头与感知到的较低价值联系起来, consumers are enjoying the convenience of 罐 that allow them to easily take their favorite rosé to the ballpark or the beach.

Manufacturers are also shifting their perceptions on 罐 as they provide many added benefits over bottles, 包括:

  1. 降低包装材料成本 & 设备

从生产的角度来看,铝罐比玻璃瓶便宜得多. 易拉罐也比玻璃瓶不易破碎, resulting in fewer instances of lost product and materials due to manufacturing and shipping accidents. The more durable nature of 罐 also means there’s less of a need for secondary 包装 such as the corrugated partitions used to separate 酒 bottles.

  1. 更高的速度,更高的OEE

Can production lines require fewer equipment units in operation and consequently take up less floor space in a facility than a typical bottling line. 另外, because 罐 are more stable than 酒 bottles (especially those with a reverse taper or higher center of mass), 罐头线可以以更高的速度移动, 提高日产量潜力.  最重要的是, the reduction of equipment units of operation translates to a higher OEE (设备整体效能).

  1. 更好的产品

在酒窖外面, glass bottles don’t provide much protection from sunlight and other elements that can turn a good 酒 bad. 铝罐, 然而, 不会被紫外线穿透,并且比塞了软木塞的瓶子更密封. 这确保了产品将以最高的质量水平被消费.

  1. 以更低的成本运送更多的产品

当涉及到成品时, 罐头提供立方体托盘负载比瓶子密度更高的能力. 它们也更轻, 这样可以减少运输到仓库和配送中心的能源成本.

  1. 留下更多印记的空间

From a marketing standpoint, 酒 bottles offer minimal real estate when it comes to label imagery. 相反,罐头可以完全包装,以获得最大的品牌影响. It’s also more cost effective to switch out a shrink sleeve for special one-off runs than it is to change out a cold glue labeler for a 酒 bottle.

  1. 增长的适应性选择

将750毫升装瓶改为1毫升.5升的瓶子需要对设备进行大量修改, plc和自动化控制可以花费制造商的时间和金钱. But can production lines that maintain the same diameter can easily undergo a height changeover.

As the popularity of 罐 grows, 酒 makers aren’t the only alcohol industry taking notice. 罐装鸡尾酒也在增加. If you’d like more information on the cost savings and added efficiency of 罐 over bottles, 联系哈斯克尔的比尔团队, 葡萄酒和烈酒包装专家.

欲了解更多信息,请联系哈斯克尔的啤酒,葡萄酒 & 烈酒事业部负责人, 安东尼•白.

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