特别收藏大楼设有专门的空气处理设施, 无火花照明装置, 洒水装置, 地漏和储罐, large-scale fume hoods and temperature and air quality sensors that meet stringent modern building codes for storing materials preserved in alcohol.



的 high-hazard “wet” storage project was highly scrutinized as it would house more than 40 million specimens and cultural artifacts.


的 Special Collections Building (UF-373) for the 佛罗里达 Museum of Natural 历史 at the University of 佛罗里达 (UF) in Gainesville has received Platinum Certification from the 佛罗里达绿色建筑联盟(FGBC), 联盟宣布.

最近完成的, 非常独特的项目 澳门足彩app为佛罗里达大学设计建造的第一个项目是什么. For UF, it was a rare use of design-build delivery and the first to employ tilt-wall construction.

的 new building houses the museum’s more than 40 million specimens and cultural artifacts, 许多在高度易燃的介质中.

“It gives us great pleasure to share that the Special Collections project was awarded the highest-level 可持续发展的 building certification through 佛罗里达绿色建筑联盟(FGBC)!” wrote Dustin Stephany, Sustainable Building Coordinator UF 规划, 设计, and 建设. “This achievement is very rare and shows the team’s leadership in developing a building that meets our clients’ needs for decades to come.

“因为它的独特性, 该项目受到严格审查,并通过了各种现场检查, 包括室内空气质量, 佛罗里达水之星认证, 以及UF的第一个商用鼓风机门测试!”

的 museum has functioned as 佛罗里达’s official repository of the state’s biodiversity and cultural heritage for more than 100 years. 从猛犸骨骼到淡水软体动物, 古代陶器和稀有的地方植物, the 佛罗里达 Museum has grown from a small collection of fossils and minerals at its establishment in the late nineteenth century to the more than 40 million specimens and cultural artifacts it holds today.

新建筑容纳了博物馆蓬勃发展的“湿”收藏品, 包括在乙基或异丙醇中保存的所有标本.

的 museum functions as 佛罗里达’s official repository of the state’s biodiversity and cultural heritage.

特别藏书楼是为了大学工作人员的安全而专门建造的, 学生研究人员和收藏本身的长期保存. 的 澳门足彩app team successfully accommodated the unique 工程 and safety challenges involved in housing these materials, and includes systems designed to provide the highest level of life safety and fire suppression. 这些功能包括专门的空气处理, 无火花照明装置, 洒水装置, 地漏和储罐, large-scale fume hoods and temperature and air quality sensors that together meet stringent modern building codes for storing materials preserved in alcohol.

UF从事绿色建筑认证已有20年, 将校园转变为全球绿色建筑中心. 学校有94个项目获得绿色建筑认证. 

佛罗里达绿色建筑联盟(FGBC) 是致力于改善建筑环境的非营利性公司吗. 它的使命是领导和促进可持续发展与环境, 经济, 并通过地区教育和认证项目获得社会效益. 的 intent of the FGBC Green 商业 Building Standard is to encourage building owners to adopt green and 可持续发展的 strategies during the design and construction of their projects and to receive recognition for their efforts.

“This achievement demonstrates your commitment to construction practices that reduce the negative environmental impacts of the project, 改善居住者的健康和福祉, 并为业主降低运营成本,FGBC执行董事CJ Davila说.

哈斯克尔一直是排名第一的. 1 in the 工程 新闻-Record (ENR) rankings of the Top Green Building Contractors for three consecutive years and has been No. 在过去两年的绿色建筑设计公司排行榜上,我们一直名列第一. 澳门足彩app 讨论未来项目的可持续发展方案.

澳门足彩app每年在架构方面的投入为20亿美元, 工程, 建设 (AEC) and 咨询 solutions to assure certainty of outcome for complex capital projects worldwide. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, 单一来源的设计建造和EPC公司拥有超过2,高度专业化, 内部设计, 工业和商业市场的建筑和管理专业人员. 在全球拥有20多个办公地点, 澳门足彩app是全球和新兴客户值得信赖的合作伙伴.

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