澳门足彩app consultants help clients optimize the performance of their manufacturing 操作 anywhere from the receipt of raw materials to the loading of finished products. 在这里, 两位哈斯克尔的包装工程师亚历克斯·冈萨雷斯, 左, 泰勒·科克, 暂停拍摄现场照片. 





Bridging the gap between the strategic and the tactical is a common challenge as manufacturing 操作 seek transformative change in their business and 生产 processes.

也许是为了提高组织和员工的效率. 也许是为了提高工作效率, 上市时间, 效率, 库存处理或优化占地面积.

无论动机是什么,创造成功解决方案的过程充分利用 行业4.0 执行策略通常受益于 澳门足彩app顾问.

澳门足彩app consultants are brought in to help struggling 操作 or projects figure out what is causing the current 生产 challenges and what the best path forward will be to improve processes,” Keith Perkey, 澳门足彩app制造解决方案副总裁.

澳门足彩app’s 澳门足彩app咨询 team offers more than 60 years of combined experience in optimizing capital deployment, 劳动生产率最大化, 提高系统整体效率, 性能和可靠性,并尽量减少浪费.

Vice President of Packaging Operations Bela Jacobsen and her team create solutions for clients ranging from greenfield concepts to optimization of existing systems.

When an international contact lens company needed help preparing its existing operation for an expected 75 percent 增加 in 生产, 澳门足彩app的工程师开发了一个公司制造过程的仿真模型, 包括自动和手动过程, 并分析了输出.

团队确定了瓶颈和容量限制, 包括 a poorly running line with many machine stops and more than 30 different stock-keeping units (SKUs) that were causing reduced throughput, 增加废料和浪费时间.

然后进行了一次 对现有系统的审计, identified the most financially justified equipment for optimizing capacity and conducted a material-flow analysis to optimize layout, 储存和流动. The final step involved simulating and fine-tuning a detailed virtual layout and debugging controls virtually to prepare for startup.

结果是一个优化的, 可执行的计划,创造价值并与客户的业务战略保持一致.

“Capacity optimization models help manufacturers consider how decisions about 生产 equipment affect the ability to satisfy orders,珀基说. “我们的制造咨询团队也开发了一个 总体规划 that helped our client decide the most productive way to invest capital over a planning horizon to meet manufacturing goals.”

持续的运营成本,如劳动力, 维护和能源使用也会影响资本投资的盈利能力.

When a milk manufacturer was considering consolidation of 29 dairies that collectively produced 110 million gallons of milk each year, 澳门足彩app’s 澳门足彩app咨询 team worked to reduce the number of 生产 lines from four to three, 减少制造足迹. 通过最小化水电、维护和运营费用,业主能够实现3美元.节省700万.


Another consumer packaged goods manufacturer needed additional time on its current manufacturing lines to accommodate new products. 其现有的生产模型无法开发出优化的解决方案.

澳门足彩app的团队被要求分析客户需求概况. It created an optimized scenario that allowed four hours of additional 生产 time using the manufacturer’s existing asset base.


在另一个案例中, a paper products manufacturer had complex SKU profiles that were made even more challenging as the plant made capital upgrades to add 生产 lines. 每条生产线都有自己独特的可靠性、SKU能力、切换时间和运行速度. The manufacturer couldn’t handle the task of scheduling a single process system to many 生产 lines.

彼得•霍尔, 过程工程服务副总裁, 领导团队帮助客户设计, install and optimize highly automated systems to maximize operator safety and create a processing environment that limits contamination risks.

“We were able to deliver a customized software tool that allowed the planning team to optimize 生产 planning and maximize throughput of the manufacturing assets,珀基说. 另外, 该团队提供了完整的生命周期支持,包括结果验证和最终用户培训.

当需要额外容量时, 制造顾问提供最具成本效益的解决方案, 包括 system refurbishment and upgrades; a faster, more automated footprint; facility expansion and/or consolidation. Their plans help manufacturers how to avoid spending money before it’s necessary and when to trigger capital improvements.

简单的, 当需要改变时, 制造顾问可以提供保持业务顺利运行的路线图.


  • 制造顾问是做什么的?

    制造顾问是专门从事资本优化配置的专业人士, 劳动生产率最大化, 提高整个系统的效率和可靠性,并尽量减少浪费. 是否测量和评估特定的设备需求或生产线效率, 我们的目标是确保战略和战术的实施能够带来成功.

  • 我需要制造顾问吗?

    澳门足彩app consultants offer valuable expert advice in the complex undertaking of bringing new technologies, 制造商车间的创新和自动化.

  • 什么时候需要制造顾问?

    制造顾问帮助客户设计新的生产线, 实施新流程, 修复和优化已全面运行的生产线.

  • 什么是精益生产顾问?

    A lean 澳门足彩app顾问 specializes in 生产 systems that focus on minimizing waste and maximizing value. 这个概念是由丰田推广的, a Japanese automobile manufacturer and is widely recognized as a systematic approach to eliminating waste and improving 效率.

  • 制造顾问的总体影响是什么?

    制造顾问就各种主题提供建议, 包括市场营销, 操作, 和金融. 他们也可以帮助他们的客户改善他们的供应链和他们与供应商的关系. 澳门足彩app顾问也可以提供关于如何改进公司流程的建议, 包括如何提高效率, 减少浪费, 提高质量. 测量制造顾问的效能包括ROI分析和供应链影响.

  • 什么是SKU?

    SKU是库存单位的缩写, which is a scannable bar code composed of an alphanumeric combination of eight-or-so characters and usually printed on product labels. sku允许对库存进行定价和跟踪.

澳门足彩app每年在架构方面的投入为20亿美元, 工程, 建设 (AEC) and 咨询 solutions to assure certainty of outcome for complex capital projects worldwide. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, 单一来源的设计建造和EPC公司拥有超过2,高度专业化, 内部设计, 工业和商业市场的建筑和管理专业人员. 在全球拥有20多个办公地点, 澳门足彩app是全球和新兴客户值得信赖的合作伙伴.

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