“新亚洲消费者”是一个以高购买力和中上层地位为特征的群体, many of whom are concerned with wellness, 可持续性, 道德食品消费. Thus, they are an ideal market for plant-based proteins.


Asia Now Emerging as a Voracious Market for Alternative Proteins

'New Asian Consumers' present an ideal market for plant-based proteins, but numerous challenges must be overcome to scale up the market.


Even though it is only starting to emerge, the 替代蛋白质产业 already has set sights on Asia, the largest meat-consuming area in the world.

最近,澳门足彩app的 埃里克迪•莱特纳, Vice President and Division Leader of 消费产品, 参加了由新加坡经济发展局主办的一个小组讨论,期间几位主题专家讨论了“在亚洲扩大替代蛋白质的规模”,,重点关注替代肉类行业的参与者如何在庞大且不断增长的亚洲市场取得成功.

Asia is the largest region in the world by population, with over 4.预计到2030年将再增加约2.5亿人口. Today’s Asian market is defined by “New Asian Consumers,” a term coined by panelist Geraldine Goh, Director at Temasek’s Enterprise Development Group. 这群亚洲人的特点是他们的高购买力和中上层阶级地位. 这些消费者中的许多人都关注健康、可持续性和道德食品消费. Thus, “New Asian Consumers” are an ideal market for plant-based proteins.

Since Asia is an incredibly diverse region, 产品开发需要迎合当地和区域消费者的喜好. The many cultures populating Asia have various customs and traditions, 尤其是在烹饪方面, 因此,寻求向亚洲扩张的替代蛋白公司将需要了解哪些产品适合每个当地或区域市场. 也, Asian countries with high concentrations of Muslims, 像印度尼西亚, 是否需要清真选项.


“工艺技术的扩展是扩大替代蛋白质生产的关键,”莱特纳说. 澳门足彩app已经为多家保密的替代蛋白质公司完成了项目, 澳门足彩app在食品和饮料行业的丰富经验给了公司 工艺设计方面有价值的专业知识 that will be useful for future alternative meat facilities.”

Strategic hiring of 食物-science talent is crucial for success in Asia. 与大学和贸易学院的合作将鼓励有才华的年轻专业人士加入,并在替代蛋白质行业留下自己的印记. Companies need not only a strong product but also a premier workforce, 有效的营销策略, and a robust business model in order to find success in Asia.

尽管潜力巨大,但亚洲替代肉类市场也面临着挑战. 原材料采购, 运输成本高, 供应链的延迟, 劳动力短缺一直是阻碍. 哈斯克尔专门帮助客户克服障碍,因为他们把新的食品技术从绘图板到杂货店的货架.

澳门足彩app的客户来自R&D完成到全尺寸操作, and facilitating this growth can be quite a challenge,莱特纳说. “设计一个产量提高十倍甚至一百倍,同时满足产品标准的生产设施并非易事. Integrative solutions are required to overcome these challenges, and as a 完全集成 design-build firm, 澳门足彩app拥有克服生产障碍所需的所有资源和服务.”

亚洲不同监管机构之间的差异也带来了复杂性, 由于不同的国家有不同的标准或法律管理替代蛋白质的生产和销售. 为了避免监管问题, 公共和私营部门必须建立伙伴关系和合作,以便各方了解替代蛋白质生产和食品安全标准的细微差别.

“为了保证成本点和最后期限,尽早与客户和相关监管机构接触至关重要,莱特纳说. “一个成功的替代蛋白质项目需要一个对所有特定建筑规范有深入了解的团队, 环境法规, and 食物-safety standards applicable to the new facility. 澳门足彩app has the experience and the global scale to ensure success.”

澳门足彩app 探索哈斯克尔深井的工艺和包装工程专业知识如何将令人眼花缭乱的实验科学扩展到有利可图的生产环境.

澳门足彩app delivers $2± billion annually in 体系结构, 工程, 建筑(AEC)和咨询解决方案,以确保全球复杂资本项目的确定性结果. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, single-source design-build and EPC firm with over 2,高度专业化, 内部设计, 工业和商业市场的建筑和管理专业人员. With 20+ office locations around the globe, 澳门足彩app is a trusted partner for global and emerging clients.

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